A primer on degrowth as an alternative economic model to current late capitalism. Plus: unpacking terms like degrowth communism, ecological economics, ecosocialism, green growth, and post-growth.
How could you ever imagine a steady state economy while population is growing? That, inherently, means everyone continues to have less and live worse. No one favors that.
Degrowth is not an economic model. It is a political model that refuses to state how it will do any better at allocating resources than the corrupt capitalist system we already have. All the pie in the sky ideas avoid the critical points--who will decide who gets what and how will they decide it? Until degrowth advocates actually answer this questions, it cannot be taken seriously.
Great work!
thank you so much!
How could you ever imagine a steady state economy while population is growing? That, inherently, means everyone continues to have less and live worse. No one favors that.
Degrowth is not an economic model. It is a political model that refuses to state how it will do any better at allocating resources than the corrupt capitalist system we already have. All the pie in the sky ideas avoid the critical points--who will decide who gets what and how will they decide it? Until degrowth advocates actually answer this questions, it cannot be taken seriously.